Updating Recordset | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Updating Recordset

Following is my code to update a RecordSet, but it gives error that updating of recordset is not supported….
Any insight into this….
Function Main()
dim countr
dim RS
set RS = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
set RS = DTSGlobalVariables("TableNames").value RS.MoveFirst
for countr = 1 to RS.RecordCount
msgbox RS.Fields("name").value
RS("CompanionRecCount") = 0
RS("CentralRecCount")= 0
Next Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
End Function
Deepak Khattar
World Health Organisation
Geneva, Switzerland
What is the exact error while executing the script?
Ensure necessary privileges are assigned to the login that executes the DTS package. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Prob this error might have happn’d due to the RS.Movefirst line. This is bcos, the RS is Forward Only and Read-Only in VBScript…
To overcome this u can try issuing "UPDATE" Query.
Check it… Seenu.