Upload .xls file to SQL Server table w ASP.NET app | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Upload .xls file to SQL Server table w ASP.NET app

Here’s what I have to do:
1. Allow user to locate a .xls file on their machine
2. Upload this .xls data into an existing table on a remote SQL Server I can pull the file from my local machine to another directory on the local machien, but can’t figure out have to configure the saveas() to save on the remote db server. It seems you have to save the the db server first on the hard drive, then you can insert the .xls file data into the table. Here’s my code so far that works to save on the local machine to another directory on that local machine: Dim getmyFile As HttpPostedFile = myfile.PostedFile
If IsNothing(getmyFile) Then
Label2.Text = "Please select a file to upload"
If getmyFile.ContentLength = 0 Then
Label2.Text = "Cannot upload zero length File"
Dim ServerFileName As String = Path.GetFileName(myfile.PostedFile.FileName)
getmyFile.SaveAs("C:TestSaving" & ServerFileName)
Label2.Text = "Successful upload to C:TestSaving" & ServerFileName
Dim strSQL As String
Dim err As Integer
strSQL = "Insert into ActivityTest Select * FROM OPENROWSET"
strSQL &= "(‘Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0’,’Excel 8.0;Database=D: esting.xls;"
strSQL &= "HDR = YES ‘,’SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]’)"
Label3.Text = strSQL.ToString()
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand(strSQL, sCon1)
err = "Select @@Error"
If err <> 0 Then
Label4.Text = err.ToString()
Label4.Text = "No Error…line 91!"
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Label2.Text = "Line 82 Error Updating Table: "
Label2.Text &= ex.Message
End Try
End If Any book suggestions on this topic are appriciated too! I’ll have to do more of this in the future! Thanks for the help in advance!!!!

>>I can pull the file from my local machine to another directory on the local machien, but can’t figure out have to configure the saveas() to save on the remote db server. Do you want to copy the Excel file to the Remote server?
If so, it should be done by your ASP Application
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Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail