using BCP between tables. | SQL Server Performance Forums

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using BCP between tables.

Hi Gurus, Can I transfer data from a source table of one server to a target table of a different server using BCP and schedule it. If yes, Please give me links on this.
Urgent Please
Thanks raj
No. BCP is for exporting and importing data from and to tables using an intermediate file. Instead of BCP, use DTS and create a package you can schedule to run on a regular basis. —————————–
Brad M. McGehee, SQL Server MVP
BCP utility can not be used to transfer data between SQL tables.
The bcp utility bulk copies data between SQL Server and a data file. Why don’t you use the Import/Export wizard task which is T-SQL task.
If you have any issues you can post them here
Thanks Guys, I just wanted to know Table to Table using BCP.I know that DTS and Import/Export are Good for my problem. Thanks a lots.bye raj
I can say you can still use BCP to import and export data (between the servers), but for the ease of operation DTS will give you graphical options to set the procedures. Satya SKJ
Microsoft SQL Server MVP
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
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