Using GETDATE() in a DTS Package | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Using GETDATE() in a DTS Package

Hi, all. This is my first posting, so please bear with me! I created a DTS package to query two tables and generate a comma-delimited file. One part of the query compares today’s date to a date in my table. The DTS (Export) Wizard only seems to allow me to select a specific date; i.e., the current day’s date or another date. Selecting the current day’s date creates a comma-delimited file with the correct data. I would like to use GETDATE() in place of today’s date, but when I do this I get an empty comma delimited file. Is there any way around this? I don’t want to have to edit (or create a new package) daily with the current day’s date – we want to create a DTS package that will run automatically once a day. Any help you can provide will really be appreciated. Thank you, Sue
I found what I needed. Here it is: DECLARE @myDate smalldatetime
SET @myDate=CONVERT(varchar(25), GETDATE(), 106) @myDate now contains the current day’s date. I added this to the SQL query in my DTS package, and it works fine. – Sue
