Using LookUpCube and eliminating #VALUE! | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Using LookUpCube and eliminating #VALUE!

When I’m using LookUpCube from one cube to another then I often get #VALUE! which in the Pivot table cell shows the error: "Formula error – cannot find dimension member ("[Account].[Travel Expenses]") in a name-binding function" Is there any way I can supress this error to show a NULL instead? I’ve tried CoalesceEmpty but it doesn’t stop the error. It would be useful if there was something like an IsError MDX function. So my MDX calculated member is:
)"),0) This error is annoying as a lot of the time on a Budget Cube you don’t get actuals coming through as some Departments may not have posted any actual transactions yet. Feedback greatly appreciated, Alan

You can use a combination of IIF and ISERROR to convert to null. MDX excepts a wide range of VBA functions. Raulie