Using Output Variables from a Stored Proc in DTS | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Using Output Variables from a Stored Proc in DTS

Guys, I am trying to assign values to some global variables from stored procedure output variables. If I declare sp like: DECLARE @RC int
DECLARE @FileName varchar(255)
DECLARE @PackageName varchar(100)
DECLARE @DestinationTableName varchar(100)
DECLARE @ReturnValue int EXEC @RC = [Swapsback].[dbo].[sp_InitialisePackageExecution] ?, ?, @FileName OUTPUT , @PackageName OUTPUT , @DestinationTableName OUTPUT , @ReturnValue OUTPUT
I am getting syntax error or access violation error. any ideas? Jaswinder Singh
A K ITech Limited
London, UK
It’s not same as for input parameters. See: