Virus Protection | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Virus Protection

What configuration scenarios or recommendations can anyone make for Virus Protection on an ACTIVE/PASSIVE 2K Cluster?[?]
We never run Anti Virus application on SQL Server, its better to keep away such system stressed application from SQL Server. Rather I would suggest to install AV on Application server or other and scan the required objects or files that are hosted on the SQL server, a better firewall configuration in this regard will guard for any intrusion. HTH Satya SKJ
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Running an AV client on the Cluster is not the best idea I understand, however we have AV hosted on one system and client for the majority of the rest. Would this not be the same process that you recommend or are you saying something else?
If you’ve any doubts on the files hosted on the SQL Server machine then you may run AV by stopping the SQL Server services until it(AV) finishes the process. I don’t see any issue with your approach. Satya SKJ
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.