Visibility controlled by parameter value | SQL Server Performance Forums

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Visibility controlled by parameter value

I try to put this expression but it comes out error: Before I input the hidden expression, the report works fine. =iif((Parameters!policy.Value)=’2005′,true,false) error msg: 1. The hidden expression for the textbox contains an error: [BC30201] Expression expected
2. The value expression for the textbox contains en error: Input string was not in a correct format please help
Place this at the textbox properties (Visibility -> Hidden and select Expression) =iif(Parameters!policy.Value="2005", true, false)
On the textbox itself, right click Expression and place this in: =Parameters!policy.Value
you can then test it out.
In this case, if you enter 2005 on the Policy parameter, the textbox will be hidden, else will show.