WEB using ASP? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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WEB using ASP?

Hello to all… I dont know where to make this topic so decide to make a thread on this board… Im new to this site.. I just search up and went here in this SQL website.. Just want to ask from the professors here in web hosting on how to connect WEB using ASP or maybe tutorials will do… Im being eager to find on how to make an this thesis.. So i hope i can expect a help from the people who have facing this kind of matter… Or maybe u can give me some screenshots of the steps on how to connect it.. or a sites will do.. Any that relates the ASP will help me alot.. ThanX… [BrYsT] â„¢[ SiMPL3 ]â„¢
This forum is basically to answer all your sql related queries.
Try google search on ASP Tutorial and you will find hundreds of such sites links.

If this is for your thesis and training then we would recommend to refer to the web links as specified by searching under Google and for a snippet refer to KBAshttp://support.microsoft.com/kb/169377/en-us &http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?ID=kb;en-us;Q247931 links. Satya SKJ
Contributing Editor & Forums Moderator
This posting is provided “AS IS” with no rights for the sake of knowledge sharing.
Also refer
www.ConnectionStrings.com Madhivanan Failing to plan is Planning to fail