where to install MDAC 2.8 in two-node cluester? | SQL Server Performance Forums

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where to install MDAC 2.8 in two-node cluester?

Hello guys,
I need to install MDAC 2.8 in my sql cluster. Where do you think this should be done? In the active Node or in both nodes? kind regards, Pablo.
Make sure you back up all files in both nodes first. In cluster admin pause node A click Move Group for all groups owned by Node A to move all groups to Node B install MDAC on A node, click resume service in node A then follow this same process on node B, finally right-click each group, click Move Group, and then move the groups back to their preferred owner. If you are running 7.0 do not install this could cause SQL agent or services to fail. http://support.microsoft.com/?kbid=828396
