Some Useful Undocumented SQL Server 2000 Trace Flags

Trace flag 3608

This trace flag skips automatic recovery (at startup) for all databases except the master database. Trace flag 3608 was documented in the SQL Server 6.5 Books Online, but is not documented in the SQL Server 7.0 and SQL Server 2000 Books Online.

Trace flag 8202

This trace flag is used to replicate UPDATE as a DELETE/INSERT pair during replication. UPDATE commands at the publisher can be run as an “on-page DELETE/INSERT” or a “full DELETE/INSERT”. If the UPDATE command is run as an “on-page DELETE/INSERT,” the Log Reader Agent sends the UPDATE command to the subscriber. If the UPDATE command is run as a “full DELETE/INSERT,” the Log Reader Agent sends the UPDATE as a DELETE/INSERT pair. If you turn on trace flag 8202, then UPDATE commands at the publisher will be always sent to the subscriber as a DELETE/INSERT pair.

Published with the express written permission of the author. Copyright 2002.


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