Building Cubes with SQL Server 2005 Analysis Services

Right-click again on the project name and select ‘Deploy’. The cube will now be deployed to the instance of SSAS, and after it is complete we will be able to use the Browser tab. When the deploy is complete, go to the browser tab, and on the left expand the “Measures”, followed by “Fact Internet Sales”, then drag and drop the “Sales Amount” into the section that says “Drag Totals or Detail Fields Here”. You should see the following (Figure 15):

Figure 15

Next, we will start to slice and dice this number by adding some dimensions. So, find the Calendar Year attribute in the Order Date dimension and drag to the column section as follows (Figure 16):

Figure 16

Finally, drag and drop the “Product Line” into the columns section to see the following (Figure 16):

Figure 17

Finally, go get yourself a snack. You have built your first cube and are well on your way to a career in Business Intelligence. Keep experimenting with the steps I have outlined above. Over time you will become more familiar with the terminology and concepts and before long you will be offering to build cubes that would make Rubik himself proud.

Good luck!


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