Installing the SQL Server 2000 Service Pack

6) You will need to reboot both nodes of the cluster. I recommend that you select “Yes, I want to restart my computer now,” and then click “Finish.” The server will then reboot. Wait until it is fully rebooted before you reboot the second node (which you will have to do manually).

One Final Recommended Step After Installation

At this point, SQL Server 2000 has been successfully installed. If you bring up Cluster Administrator, you will note that the Disk Group that contains the disk resource you assigned when installing SQL Server 2000 will include all of the SQL Server Clustering Resources.

What I like to do is to rename this resource group to a more easily understandable name, such as SQL_Server. To rename a resource group, right-click on the group’s name, then select “Rename.” You can then rename the group as you want. As you can see, I have done this in the illustration below:

In the SQL_Server resource group, you should find these resources:

Disk F: This is a logical drive from the shared disk array that was assigned as a SQL Server Cluster resource during the installation.

Disk G: This is also a logical drive from the shared disk array. I manually added this logical disk resource to this group. You may, or may not, have more than one logical disk drive as part of the SQL Server resources.

SQL IP Address1: This is the virtual IP address assigned to the SQL Server cluster during installation.

SQL Network Name: This is the virtual cluster name assigned to the SQL Server cluster during installation.

SQL Server: This is the MSSQLSERVER service that was installed when the SQL Server Cluster was installed.

SQL Server Agent: This is the SQLSERVERAGENT service that was installed when the SQL Server Cluster was installed.

SQL Server Fulltext: This is the SQL Server Full-Text Search service that was installed when the SQL Server Cluster was installed.

All these cluster resources need to be in a single group because they are all dependent on each other, and should a failover occur, all these resources must failover as a


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