How to Configure Multiple SQL Server Reporting Service Instances on the Same Computer

When a second instance of SQL Server Reporting Services is installed the second instance will connect to the default instance.  This is because the default behavior of a Reporting Services instance is to redirect its requests to the localhost. To reconfigure this behaviour you need to change the settings in the RSReportServer.config, RSWebApplication.config config files of Reporting Services.

For example in: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.#Reporting ServicesReportServer open
old value:
new value:
<UrlRoot>http://<Server IP>/reportserver</UrlRoot>

For example in: C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQL.#Reporting ServicesReportManager open
old value:
new value:
<ReportServerUrl>http://<Server IP>/reportserver</ReportServerUrl>
Note: It’s very important that only one of the two values is filled, else an error will occur.

Then run iisreset /noforce and you will be able to use multiple instances of Reporting Services on the same machine.


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