Optimizing Microsoft SQL Server Analysis Services: Optimization Tools: Incremental Update Wizard

4. Click OK.

The Incremental Update Wizard — Welcome dialog appears, as shown in Figure 18.

Figure 18: The Incremental Update Wizard – Welcome Dialog

5. Click Next.

The Specify the Data Source dialog of the Incremental Update Wizard appears next. Here we specify the location of the “new” data that we will be adding. We isolate “new” values to prevent double-counting those that are already included in the existing cube, through two approaches: We can either filter the fact table that supports the existing cube (for example, to include recently added rows in the common fact table), or we can point the wizard to a different table entirely as the source for the new data.

6. Click the Change… button to the right of the Fact table box (currently occupied by expense_fact).

The Choose a Fact Table dialog appears.

7. Select the PostAdditions table from the tables displayed on the left, as we did in the preparation step earlier.

Clicking the PostAdditions table brings its constituent columns into the Details section on the right of the Choose a Fact Table dialog, which appears as depicted in Figure 19.

Figure 19: The Choose a Fact Table Dialog, with Our Selection

8. Click OK to accept the selection.

We return to the Specify the Data Source dialog of the Incremental Update Wizard, where we see our selection in the Fact table box, as depicted in Figure 20.

Figure 20: The Specify the Data Source Dialog

9. Click Next.

We next arrive at the Create a filter expression dialog of the wizard, as shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21: The Create a Filter Expression Dialog

Were we using the same fact table (in our case, expense_fact) as that used as the source for an existing cube, we could filter all except the new data that we wished to include in the incremental update (and thus avoid double-counting of data already summarized in the processed cube). We might also use the filter to further refine a selection in another table. We do not need the filter for our simple example source, so we will continue to the next dialog.

10. Click Next.

The Finish dialog of the Incremental Update Wizard appears, as depicted in Figure 22.

Figure 22: The Finish Dialog


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