Step 5:
Configuring Options for Compression and Encryption
SQL Server’s native backup utility doesn’t have the ability to compress or encrypt your backup, which would save resources and make your data more secure.
In SQL Backup, we can choose a compression level (standard, intermediate and moderate), and an encryption level (128-bit key or 256-bit key). The 256-bit key is new to this edition of SQL Backup. For more information on encryption see AES Algorithm of Rijndael.
Step 6:
Finishing Your Backup
In the last step, the wizard creates a script that you can run from Query Analyzer or the command line. You can also manage extended Stored procedures. If you configure the e-mail options, a notification will be sent when the operation is completed, which allows you to monitor your backups and restores easily.
Configuring E-mail
As you can see below, it is very easy to configure e-mail options — just provide the SMTP address, port number, username, password, etc. After a backup or restore is completed, a notification will be sent with the status — success or failure — of the operation. Configuring an e-mail notification is extremely useful for a DBA who also maintains remote databases.
A Sample E-mail
In this sample e-mail from a backup operation, the notification received provides the size of the database, the size of the compressed backup file, the compression rate, the time of the backup, etc.