Working with Spatial Data Part I – Geocoding Text-Based Spatial Data for Use In SSIS Packages


The  development of our sample package is now complete. Add a data viewer between the Script transformation and
the Multicast Transformation. Execute the package, and you should see the result as shown in the below screenshot. You can see the latitude and longitude values of the corresponding records we had in our “Address” table. If you
used  some addresses that the Geocode webservice was not able to locate, no values would be returned for the latitude and longitude.

Keep in mind  that this code is not designed for geocoding huge batches of address information. Mappoint is more suited for the
this purpose which allows you to  upload a batch and then have mappoint
perform the geocoding and return  the geocoded data.



Firstly We create some test data which contained location / address in textual format. We
then subscribed to the Bing Maps webservices, and created a proxy class for Geocode webservice. Then, we created a package
which reads this data, made a call to the Geocode function of Geocode webservice and retrieved
the latitude and longitude information returned by the webservice.

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