StrCat.Catter – An Efficient String Concatenation Component

Here are the test results. All times are in milliseconds.

Number of Concatenations String Length VBScript Speed (ms.) StrCat.Cutter Speed (ms)
1 11 .02 .06
5 11 .02 .06
10 11 .02 .07
25 11 4.47 .15
50 11 .06 .21
100 11 .16 .35
200 11 10.32 .64
500 11 182.2 1.52
1000 11 144.01 2.98
2000 11 59.92 7.07
1 44 .01 .05
5 44 .02 .06
10 44 .02 .08
25 44 .05 .31
50 44 .14 .25
100 44 1.07 .44
200 44 1.86 .81
500 44 12.19 2.3
1000 44 140.20 5.51
2000 44 940.53 12.41
1 176 .02 .06
5 176 .03 .09
10 176 .04 .14
25 176 .67 .33
50 176 1.01 .55
100 176 7.4 1.04
200 176 10.09 2.45
500 176 215.33 7.86
1000 176 1825.91 18.68
2000 176 9137.12 38.78
1 484 .02 .08
5 484 .05 .16
10 484 .10 .43
25 484 3.66 .73
50 484 1.59 1.44
100 484 5.65 3.80
200 484 150.13 11.31
500 484 1467.19 25.16
1000 484 6414.08 58.50
2000 484 26419.2 112.03

You can see that it takes about three times longer to get Catter up to speed for a single concatenation, and even after a few dozen concatenations, Catter lags behind. But once VB starts to slow down, it does so disastrously – quadratically, in fact – while Catter keeps its cool, staying almost linear in terms of time versus concatenations. I’d hate to be the person waiting 25 seconds for VB to concatenate some strings!

Catter is an STL vector of STL wstrings. Catter’s implementation calls on the reserve methods of both the vector and wstring classes. The implementations of these classes are designed so that their execution time stays linear under these circumstances. They accomplish this by doubling their allocated memory when they need to grow, thereby avoiding making too many allocations and fragmenting the heap.

When you need to concatenate more than a few dozen strings, consider using StrCat.Catter. Catter’s optimized C++ implementation can prevent your site from CPU saturation when folks start asking more of it than VB can handle.

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Michael Balloni
Streamload Development

Article published with the express written permission of the author.
Copyright 2000 Michael Balloni


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