Exists() Method
The Actors table does not have any meaningful
column data at this point, so to provide some visual indication of who the
record belongs to, we will now add a LastName column to the table, and then populate
it with data parsed from the ContactInfo XML field. First, we’ll add the
We want to update the new fields using each actors’
Stage name if they have one, and use their Legal name if not. For this
scenario we can use the exists() method. The
exists() method takes a single XQuery expression string parameter, and simply
returns a 1 or 0 based on the existence of the values searched for. For
SELECT ContactInfo.exist('//Contact/Names/Name[@type="Stage"]/Last') AS StageLastNameExists, * FROM Actors GO
This returns:
So, we can combine the exists() method with the
query() method to get the outcome we are looking for. An UPDATE that uses CASE
will also solve this:
UPDATE Actors SET LastName = ( CASE --test for Stage LastName existence WHEN ContactInfo.exist('//Contact/Names/Name[@type="Stage"]/Last') = 1 THEN –-if a Stage name exists, update with Stage LastName value CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),ContactInfo.query('//Contact/Names/Name[@type="Stage"]/Last/text()')) ELSE –-if a Stage name does not exist, update with Legal LastName value CONVERT(VARCHAR(50),ContactInfo.query('//Contact/Names/Name[@type="Legal"]/Last/text()')) END ) FROM Actors GO
If a ‘Name’ node exists having a ‘type’ attribute of
‘Stage,’ then the exists() method returns 1, and the LastName field is updated
with the Stage name. If no Stage name exists, as in the case of Nicole’s
record, the actor’s Legal name is used to update the field instead. The contents
of the Actors table, after running the above statements, are as follows:
FLWOR expressions
If we want to return values from certain nodes, we can
obtain simple results using the expressions we have looked at so far. However,
for more powerful iterative searches, we need to use href=”http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/FLWOR”>FLWOR expressions. The FLWOR
acronym stands for For, Let, Where, Order By, Return,
describing the operations involved in a FLWOR expression. Let’s try an
example. If we want to get a list of all of a particular actor’s names, both first
and last, we can use a FLWOR expression to iterate through all of the ‘Name’ nodes:
SELECT ContactInfo.query('for $Names in /Contact/Names return for $Name in $Names/Name return concat("[",$Name/First[1]," ",$Name/Last[1],"] ") ') AS Names FROM Actors WHERE ID = 1 GO
here, we used a simple for clause to iterate all ‘Name’
nodes in the ‘Names’ node for record 1. Because we needed multiple nodes from
each ‘Name’ node (‘First’ and ‘Last’), we had to nest another for. The
nested for iterates every node inside of each ‘Name’ node, finding the
values for ‘First’ and ‘Last.’ We then added the concat() function in order to
return a singleton value, made up of both first and last name values, formatted
with brackets and a space.
We can also use FLWOR expressions for finding
values where we have only partial information. Let’s say we know the last 4
digits of one of Tom’s phone numbers, and we want to return the entire 9-digit
number. We can implement the where clause to do this:
SELECT ContactInfo.query('for $Phones in /Contact/Phones return for $Phone in $Phones/Phone where substring($Phone,7,4)="3399" return data($Phone) ') AS Phone FROM Actors WHERE ID = 1 GO
Here, we used a substring() function that matches what
we know (that last 4 digits of the number) to a ‘Phone’ value. Note that we’ve
used the data() function to strip the XML tags, similar to how the text()
method is used. To include the phone type, we can do the following:
SELECT ContactInfo.query('for $Phones in /Contact/Phones return for $Phone in $Phones/Phone where substring($Phone,7,4)="3399" return concat($Phone/@type,": ",$Phone) ') AS Phone FROM Actors WHERE ID = 1 GO
As we showed before, the final results of any of
these queries can be converted to VARCHAR to remove the XML links.
A similar query shows how to locate all ‘Name’ node
values that begin with the letter ‘M’:
SELECT ContactInfo.query('for $Names in /Contact/Names return for $Name in $Names/Name where substring($Name/Last[1],1,1)="M" return concat("[",$Name/First[1]," ",$Name/Last[1],"] ") ') AS LegalName FROM Actors WHERE ID = 1 GO
XQuery expressions can be combined with joins and
integrated into almost any type of SQL statement. We’ve looked at just a
few practical examples of XQuery method and expression implementations – there
is much more to learn, especially with FLWOR expressions. I hope this
introduction has sparked your interest!]]>