Enhancing Reporting Services with Dundas Reporting Controls

Step Line Chart
A step line chart is similar to a line chart, but it does not use the shortest distance to connect two data points. Instead, the step line chart uses vertical and horizontal lines to connect the data points in a series forming a step-like progression.


Gantt Chart
The Gantt chart displays separate events that have beginning and end values. These charts are excellent for planning the use of resources, and data can be plotted using a date-time scale or a numerical scale.


Box Plot Chart
The Box Plot chart type consists of one or more box symbols that summarizes the distribution of the data within one or more data sets. A Box Plot chart displays a rectangle with whisker lines extending from both ends. This type of chart is used by statisticians.


Another important feature is that the ability to convert SSRS charts to Dundas Reports. You can right click the SSRS charts and select the convert option. Because of this, if you want to convert your SSRS chart to Dundas charts, you don’t have to have start from the beginning and it will reduce the development time.

Gauges are very important in Reporting. Although gauges are missing in SSRS 2005, you can find gauges in SSRS 2008. In fact, most of the features supported by Dundas Gauges are available with the SSRS 2008 gauge controls.  There are several types of gauges available which are shown in the following images.


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