Installing SQL Server 2000 Clustering

16) Select the appropriate network libraries for your situation. Click “Next,” and this screen appears:

17) Now the setup wizard has collected almost all the information it needs. Click “Next,” and this screen appears:

18) Enter the appropriate licensing mode, and click “Continue,” and this screen appears:

19) The SQL Server 2000 installation process now begins. The messages on the screen will change from time to time, letting you know what the setup process is doing. This will take some time to complete. Assuming you have done all the steps correctly, then the installation should go without a hitch. But if you have made some mistake, then the setup process may abort before it is done. If it does, you will have to start over, after discovering and correcting the problem or problems you ran into that caused the installation failure.

Once the install is complete, although not required, it is highly recommended that you reboot both nodes of the cluster. First, reboot the primary node, and be sure it comes up successful. Then reboot the secondary node, and then be sure it comes up successfully.

Once you have a successful installation of SQL Server 2000 on the cluster, its now time to install the most recent SQL Server 2000 Service


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