Edited by Ken Henderson
2007 Pearson Education
480 pages
ISBN 0-321-44774-3
Ken Henderson, Slava Oks, Wei Xiao, Bart Duncan and Bob Ward. All those names are on the list of RSS feeds I have subscribed to. The interested SQL Server user surely knows these names as well. Together with other members of the SQL Server development and support team they have created a book that is unique and truly outstanding. Ken Henderson’s’ idea is simply brilliant. Let those people write a book about troubleshooting SQL Server 2005 who develop and support it.
Comprehensive explanations about waiting and blocking, procedure cache issues, query processing, SQLOS and many more topics make this book an invaluable resource for SQL Server 2005 users who are concerned with troubleshooting SQL Server or for any other interested user who wants or needs to know. But also users who still maintain SQL Server 2000 installations will benefit from this book as it will introduce them in great detail to many of the new feature and functionalities of SQL Server 2005.
The accompanying CD contains the source code for all examples of the book along with other useful scripts and treasuries like SQL Nexus, TraceBuster and DataDaemon.