Idera SQL Change Manager

Monitor Compliance

First of all, what is compliance?

As far as SQL change manager is concerned, compliance is the degree of difference between a database and a specified “standard schema”. Thus, a database is in compliance when its schema is in synch with that standard schema and it is not in compliance when there are differences between the two.

Now that we’ve identified what compliance means, it should also be clear what monitoring compliance is all about. You select the database you want to be monitored and specify the standard schema to compare against.

Interestingly you have three alternatives when you set the standard against which the database should be compared:

  1. Monitoring against itself.
  2. Monitoring against the schema of a live database.
  3. Monitoring against a previously taken snapshot.

Note, that there is just one standard against which the selected databases are compared.

Restore Objects

One of the nice side-effects when you have a tool that allows storing snapshots of a SQL Server database schema is that you can implement and restore functionality quite easily. Thus, Idera SQL change manager offers a restore function.

In addition to restoring missing objects, you can also use a live database as the source for a restore operation. I’ve chosen to restore from a previously taken snapshot. To verify now that you are using the “correct” version of the object to be restored, you can click on the “View archived schema” button, which opens the “Browse Schema” dialog.

Shown here, you can inspect each single object in the snapshot. Once you have finished your review process, select “Restore -> Run restore” from the menu to kick off the restore.

Again, note that Idera SQL change manager is only concerned about database objects, not about data. Therefore, you need to continue to maintain a separate database backup strategy!


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